Matthew Schroeder
Matthew Christopher Schroeder was born in California on June, 4, 1992. He was raised from a young boy by Traditional Medicine Man, Jake Singer, and is an Ordained Robe Man carrying the traditions of Prayer through Native ceremonies. Matthew is a carpenter by trade and as worked both as a business owner, project manage, with jobs in the Union of North Jersey and as a holistic practitioner. He is an environmentalist and activist for Planet Earth. In 2022 he became the Director officially of For Goodness Sake Inc after it was passed by his Father in Law under the originally name established in 2010, as This Side of Heaven Foundation.

Satya Celeste
Vice Director
Satya Celeste is an enthusiastic and dedicated Spanish Teacher with experience teaching and supporting students from all levels serving them with different learning styles. Celeste has a Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Organizational Psychology and a Master's Degree in Education. She has been working as translator and social media director for For Goodness Sake since 2021. She is a highly skilled and experienced Translator with a strong background in translating Legal Documents in English and Spanish.
Lehman Mann
Lehman A Mann the 3rd is from the Turtle Clan of the Ramapough Lenape Nation. He currently serves as the treasurer FGS and project manager for the holistic rehabilitation center being build in the United States.

Alyra Hughes
Secretary / Project Coordinator
Kristen Alyra Hughes works as an International Yoga Teacher Trainer, Educator, and Massage Therapist with a bachelors degree in Geology and lifelong devotion for Planet Earth. She has lived and worked in Indigenous communities throughout the Guatemala, Peru, and Mexico and Indonesia for over 7 years building bridges between the spiritual seekers and native peoples of the land. Currently, Alyra is the current Secretary and Project Coordinator for the Wirikuta Preservation Project team of For Goodness Sake Foundation.
Santiago Alonso
Translator and Inter Tribal Relations
Santiago Alonso González graduated business school at the University Anahuac, Mexico City in 2015. He has served the Wixárika Nation over the past 10 years through legal and spiritual matters. In the years of 2013-2016 he also assisted them in the renovation of their sacred sites, alters, and holy places. Now, Santiago serves as a main translator and bridge between the Wixárika Nation and the modern world on behalf of this project and the preservation of land, medicine, and culture in Wirikuta.